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Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

The List: Top 10 MMOs of 2012

Jon breaks out his crystal ball and peers three years down the road. Which 10 games will dominate the market then?

This week, I dug deep into the old closet to pull out my trusty crystal ball. Gazing deep into its smoky depths, I asked a simple question: What MMOs will round out the Top 10 three years from now? Being a cantankerous old coot of a crystal ball, it told me that I needed to be more specific. Was it to base the list on subscriber numbers? Overall profitability? Random lottery? In the end we decided to look for a Top 10 list that took many factors into account, with subscribers, profitability, critical acclaim and fan support topping the list.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='' /></a>
When I was putting this list together, there were a number of games that cropped up as possibilities that, for whatever reasons, I decided not to include in my top ten. The next Blizzard MMO, for example is left off because there’s a good chance it won’t yet have launched. It’s tough enough to define the Top 10 Games of 2009, let alone three years from now. Many quality titles didn’t make the list, but were kept firmly in mind. They include: The Secret World, The Agency, Copernicus, Lord of the Rings Online, Global Agenda and Fallen Earth.
#10: Aion
In 2012, Aion will be closing in on its third birthday, so why is it that I think it’ll be rounding out the top ten? I’m going to go out on a limb right now and say that it really could be any number of games from the crop here in 2009 that could fill this spot, but in my opinion, Aion has the best chance.
Aion is a game designed to appeal to number of different player types: PvP, RvR, PvE, RP and others. Then, you’ve got the fact that NCsoft North America needs Aion to be a success on this side of the world. This first major launch since the cancellation of the company’s previous flagship title, Tabula Rasa, has a lot riding on its shoulders and NCsoft didn’t gain a reputation as one of the premiere publishers on this side of the world by letting opportunities pass them by in a pinch.
The real reason that I put Aion on the top of the heap though is probably the fact that it has the advantage of being a rare imported game that was designed with our market in mind. So often, Western games are marred by buggy launches that take at least a few patches to work out, losing at least some players in the process. Then, after some time has gone by we see news that the same game has launched in an Eastern market or two, more polished and more completed than it was for us. With Aion, the roles are reversed and lessons can be learned on players from another market. Maybe that’s just the shot in the arm this game needs to gain the kind of popularity that will see it on the Top 10 charts in 2012.
#9: A Superhero Based Game (DC, Marvel, or Champions)
You know what. I like the view from up here on the fence, thank you very much. With three next generation titles from experienced, successful studios about to ratchet up the men-in-tights wars, there’s just a good chance that one of them is going to take off. Which one really has the winning formula though, remains to be seen.
First, you’ve got Champions Online from Cryptic Studios, the people that pioneered MMOs with tights and capes, making a name for themselves with what might very well be the singular most impressive character creation system in the history of the genre.
Next, you’ve got DC Universe. With the star power of classic heroes like Superman and Batman, the ability to play both good and evil characters and an interesting action-based combat system DC Universe could have some serious staying power.
Then there’s the Marvel-based game from the folks at Gazillion, which we know nothing about. By the time 2012 rolls around, Marvel Online (if it’s launched) could be the new kid on the block, presumably sleeker, faster and certainly newer option of the three.
#8: World of Darkness
When CCP announced that they had merged with pen and paper mainstay White Wolf back in 2006, it was a foregone conclusion that the product of the unholy union between Vikings and Vampires would be a horror based MMORPG making use of White Wolf’s World of Darkness IP.
Since the announcement, the merged company has been tight-lipped about the upcoming project, which has left MMO watchers to speculate over everything from the design decisions surrounding the game to when it might see the light of day.
Documents found back at the beginning of the year place the game’s launch in 2010, but I’m going to go out on a limb and project a date closer to mid to late 2011. CCP had devoted a good deal of its staff to EVE Online and it’s unclear how production is progressing. So, with a late 2011 launch date, the game is perfectly situated to be among the top ten games of 2012.
Still, launch date alone doesn’t guarantee any game a spot at the top, more justification is needed. In that spirit I offer the idea that the popularity of the gothic horror genre is once again on the rise. Combine that with a rich and interesting IP that already has so many gaming fans worldwide and it’s enough to get anyone’s interest going. Add to that the thought that, being an MMO made by a company that got famous on the back of an open world sandbox MMO, World of Darkness Online is a prime candidate to please the old school sandbox crowd, and you’ve got a game not only to watch, but that will certainly be on the rise in 2012.
#7: EVE Online
When I put EVE Online on my list of games with potential, I caught a lot of flack for it. How could a game that was already six years old have any potential in it? Now that I’m granting the space-based “sci-fi simulation” MMO a spot on my top ten games of 2012, I expect more of the same, but I stand by my decision.
Over its six year life span, EVE Online has been impressive in its growth, not only in subscriber numbers (it’s one of the very few MMOs to show an upward subscriber trend over time), but also in the scope of the game and what it has added over time: new tech, factional warfare, a complete and impressive graphical overhaul, wormholes, just as recent examples.
The developers of EVE have said that their original intent was, as stated above, to create a live and interactive sci-fi simulator. Ships, combat and trading were just the building blocks for a much larger concept whose next step is the long promised Walking in Stations project that will, assuming it’s been completed by 2012 (and that’s no guarantee based on how long fans have already been waiting), dramatically expand the game. By 2012, it’s even possible that the developers will have expanded into planetary exploration and / or other necessities of a full-blown sci-fi game and if they do that, they may very well have created an MMO that actually has something for everyone. Why wouldn’t it be a contender in another three years?
#6: All Points Bulletin
I know that some of you out there are going to say that we’ve been giving too much attention to the upcoming game from the folks at Realtime Worlds that promises to be the, at least, spiritual MMO successor to the phenomenally popular Grand Theft Auto franchise, but I think we’ve been spot on in seeing this game’s potential.
This time though, APB has made my list not because of the possibilities that exist in an open world GTA-esque MMORPG, though those possibilities are impressive. Instead, it’s the possibilities of medium that could see this game enjoy real success into 2012. Specifically, I’m referring to the game’s potential to launch successfully not only for the PC, but also for the Xbox 360.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The first MMO that really performs at a high level on a console will ensure its success for years to come. There’s a whole new world out there kid, and if you think MMO companies aren’t salivating looking at the numbers associated with Xbox and its XBL program the you’ve been drinking the PC Kool-Aid.
The style of game is already familiar to Xbox fans who are used to jumping into GTA multiplayer and has been designed to rely on VOIP, not keyboards. Traditional MMOs require a bit too much input to be translated effectively. Action games are much more suited to that big white controller.
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Download Angry Birds for PC dan Mainkan di Komputermu

Jan 13
Download Angry Birds for PC dan Mainkan di Komputermu
Siapa yang tidak mengenal game Angry Birds? Game yang kini sedang naik daun dan digandrungi oleh para pemilik smartphone. Game Angry Birds merupakan suatu game yang fenomenal menjadi game terlaris baik di iPhone (iOS) maupun smartphone Android dan Symbian. Angry Birds juga telah berhasil mencatat kesuksesan yang cukup luar biasa dengan tampil sebagai game yang di-download dalam jumlah yang cukup besar dan dalam waktu yang singkat mencapai tingkat popularitas yang tinggi di setiap application store.

Angry Birds sendiri merupakan game puzzle untuk smartphone yang dikembangkan oleh RovioMobile. Di dalam game ini kita ditantang untuk memecahkan puzzle dengan menghancurkan bangunan tempat bersembunyinya para babi hijau dengan menggunakan keluarga burung yang memiliki berbagai spesialisasi dan fungsi.Yang sering membuat lupa waktu ketika memainkan game ini adalah ketika kita tidak berhasil menghancurkan puzzlenya sehingga harus mengulang-ulang terus dengan strategi yang berbeda. Dan ketika telah berhasil menghancurkan puzzle namun ada yang tidak puas jika tidak mendapatkan 3 bintang kemudian mengulangnya lagi. Walaupun sering mengulang-ulang game ini kita tidak akan merasa bosan malahan akan semakin penasaran untuk mendapatkan nilai tertinggi.

Bagi penggemar Angry Birds yang ingin mencoba memainkan game ini namun tidak memiliki platform iOS, Android, atau Symbian pada smartphone atau di PC tablet sekarang bisa merasakan bagaimana serunya game tersebut. Angry Birds saat ini sudah tersedia untuk Netbook/Laptop dan PC berbasis sistem operasi Windows XP dan Windows 7. Angry Birds untuk platform PC desktop mencakup 195 level.

Angry Birds dihargai sebesar $ 9,99 untuk men-download melalui Intel AppUp center namun jika ingin memainkan game ini secara cuma-cuma sudah banyak kok link Download Angry Birds Gratis! Bagi yang sudah tidak sabar untuk mencoba game ini di PC atau notebook dapat mendowloadnya di sini atau di sini atau di sini
Selamat Bermain! dan jangan lupa bekerja, lupa makan, dan lupa beribadah karena game ini cool
Postingan berikutnya tentang Angry Birds saya akan mencoba memberikan Cheat Angry Birds buat teman-teman yang sudah frustasi lama tidak tamat game Angry Birds nya.
Update 14 januari 2011
Mungkin ada teman-teman yang sudah mendownload tetapi tidak bisa menggunakan program ini di windowsnya dan muncul pesan error seperti ini:
“Texture is too large 2048 x 2048, maximum supported is 1024 x 1024″
Berhubung di PC saya tidak mengalami masalah maka saya mencoba untuk melihat FAQ dari RovioMobile untuk mencari solusi dari permasalahan beberapa teman.
Make sure the you have the latest display adapter drivers installed either through Windows Update or hardware configuration.
Di sana dijelaskan bila kita mengalami masalah seperti itu maka yang harus dilakukan adalah mengupdate display adapter PC, dengan meggunakan fitur windows update apabila kita tersambung ke internet.
Update Terakhir
Bagi teman-teman yang sudah mencoba troubleshutting di atas tetapi masih gagal dalam memainkan game Angry Birds ini, ada solusi bantuan dari teman kita Fakhri dengan memberikan link file
Setelah mendownload file tersebut, kemudian ditimpa saja file .exe Angry Birds nya dengan hasil donlotan tersebut.
Bagi Teman-Teman Yang Masih Mengalami Masalah Pada Game Angry Birds for PC nya silahkan dibaca komentar-komentar sebelumnya di sana ada solusi yang diberikan
Semoga penjelasan ini dapat membantu som

Update Download Angry Birds Versi Terbaru Angry Birds Rio


Update Download Angry Birds Versi 1.6.2

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Angry Birds

General Information

Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Rovio, a developer based in Finland. Since its release for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch devices, over 6.5 million copies of the game have been purchased, and versions have appeared for other touchscreen-based smartphones.
In Angry Birds, players take control of a flock of birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil pigs. The pigs have taken refuge on or within structures made of various materials, including wood, glass and stone, and the object of the game is to eliminate all the pigs in the level.
Using a slingshot, players launch the birds at the structure, with the intent of either hitting the pigs directly or damaging the structure, which would cause it to collapse onto the pigs. If all of the pigs are defeated by the time the last bird is used, the level is completed and the next level is unlocked. Players may re-attempt levels as many times as they wish, and may also replay completed levels in an attempt to boost their score.edit your birds pigs and levels


  • Check
    Angry Birds — Rovio’s Angry Birds Flies Past Half A Billion Downloads (11/2/11) 1
    Posted 11/2/11 at 6:11am via


Angry Birds screenshot
Above: Angry Birds Screenshot -- #1
Uploaded: 10/1/10
Angry Birds screenshot
Above: Angry Birds Screenshot -- #2
Uploaded: 10/1/10

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

most popular football game 2012

Berita >> Entertainment >> Game

FIFA SOCCER 12, game terpopuler saat ini, coba yuk!
BERITA - - Akhirnya FIFA SOCCER 12 dirilis juga. Game sepak bola yang sedang populer ini, bahkan mengalahkan PES 2012 harus dicoba bagi anda pecinta game soccer. Coba yuk! Lihat Sumbernya
FIFA SOCCER 12, game terpopuler saat ini, coba yuk!
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Akhirnya FIFA SOCCER 12 dirilis juga. Game sepak bola yang sedang populer ini, bahkan mengalahkan PES 2012 harus dicoba bagi anda pecinta game soccer. Coba yuk!
Memainkan game Facebook hanya sekadar untuk membunuh waktu luang, atau melepas lelah dan stres di sela bekerja. Inilan top 10 game Facebook terpopuler saat ini:
USA Soccer National Team - Soccer has traditionally been a Continent have. They had Soccer and the Amalgamate States had Professed sport. Lately that has been dynamic. We are sight grownup and recreational soccer teams springing up in the USA and Football
Kita semua pasti sudah tau kan PES dan FIFA. Bagi para penggila game pastinya sudah tak mungkin asing lagi dengan game yang satu ini. Bahkan saya sendiri tidak pernah ketinggalan untuk memainkan game ini. Kedua game ini memang satu aliran tapi tidak satu
PES 2012 – Download PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) 2012, Pada kesempatan kali ini akan berbagi informasi tentang game terbaru tahun 2012, game yang saya maksud adalah PES 2012, belum sampai tahun 2012 tapi game PES 2012 telah direlease. B

Tips Mengedit HTML Blogspot

Jika kita mengotak-atik atau mengedit HTML blog kadang2 akan mengalami kesulitan, apalagi bagi yang masih agak pemula. Entah itu gak bisa nemu kode yang mau diedit lah, gak bisa disimpan karena error lah, Ada pesen error yang gak jelas lah, dan lah-lah yang lain, ya to...??? Nha trik dan tips kali ini akan mencoba gimana cara untuk mengatasi atau setidaknya mengurangi masalah "lah-lah" yang kadang2 atau sering terjadi tersebut.
Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk edit HTML bogger:

1. Backup Template
Membackup template ini penting karena jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak dinginkan, misalnya blog jadi rusak maka kita bisa membuatnya seperti sediakala (sebelum rusak) jika kita sebelumnya sudah membackup template. Cara membackup template ini mudah. Cukup klik pada link "Download Full Template" lalu simpan file template di komputer kita. Kalo terjadi kesalahan yang tidak bisa kita atasi, kita tinggal upload aja file template tersebut.

2. Memberi Tanda Centang pada Kotak "Expand Widget Template"
Ini yang kadang2 dilupakan para "editor". Kalau kotak "Expand Widget Templates" tidak dicentang maka kode2 yang dicari kemungkinan tidak ditemukan. Tapi kadang2 hal ini tidak perlu dilakukan tergantung dari petunjuk tutorialnya. Makanya perhatikan baik2 tutorialnya kalo mau Edit HTML blog.

3. Tips Mempermudah Pencarian
Untuk mempermudah pencarian kode yaitu dengan meng-copy dulu kode yang mau dicari kemudian tekan "Ctrl+f" lalu masukkan kode yang dicopy tadi kedalam kotak yg muncul. Kalo misalkan kode yang dicari tidak muncul maka cobalah mencari sebagian dari kode tersebut. Misal mau mencari kode <p><data:post.body/></p> jika tidak ketemu maka cb carilah sebagiannya atau seperti ini data:post.body kalau sudah ketemu maka klik tombol next untuk melihat apakah ada kode lain yang sama untuk memastikan kode yang dikehendaki. Tapi tips ini sepertinya sulit dilakakukan jika menggunakan browser "Chrome" paling mudah jika menggunakan "Mozilla Firefox".

4. Tips Menghadapi Error Yang Muncul
Jika saat menyimpan hasil editan kemudian muncul pesan error, misal seperti ini:
We were unable to save your template
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure.....
Maka hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah berusaha memahami pesan error tersebut. Kemudian kita cek kembali tutorial yang kita baca apakah langkah-langkah yang sudah kita lakukan bener2 sesuai dengan tutorialnya. kalau tidak yakin maka kita bisa mengulangi lagi tutorialnya dari awal dengan mengklik tombol "Clear Edit" terlebih dahulu.

Mungkin untuk masalah mengahadapi berbagai pesan error ini akan kita bahas lebih lanjut diepisode yang lainnya yang lebih spesifik.

Yak mungkin itu aja dulu tips-tips dalam pembahasan kali ini. Kita jumpa lagi di tips-tips berkutnya.
Baca Selengkapnya......

Choose a Good Email Marketing

Many companies use email marketing to communicate with existing customers. They use it for purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. Lately there are many email marketting company that offer their service. One of them is iContact. iContact is an easy to use email marketing, surveying, autoresponder, and blogging tool that allows small businesses, non-profits, and associations to easily communicate online with their customers, prospects, and members.

iContact is the best option out there for anyone who wants to send out email newsletters. They have great inbox deliverability, an extremely easy to use interface, great prices that start at $9.95 per month, lots of templates, and also include surveying, autoresponder, and blogging capability from the same application at no additional charge. They take care of managing bounces and unsubscribes for you. They also take care of making sure your message gets to the inbox of your recipients through their ISP relations, feedback loops, and whitelist status. If you are currently running into deliverability issues with your existing newsletter sending method, iContact will be very helpful and ensure inbox delivery of your messages. 15 day free trial of iContact is available here.
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Learn more about Website Hosting

Trying to identify a web hosting can be a very daunting task especially when there are so many available nowadays and all of them promise one thing or another because looking for and buying a reliable web hosting solution is an imperative decision. inding the best hosting service for your website can be complicated. The best way to select a quality web hosting is to take the selection process one step at a time.

If you are currently engaged in any facet of ecommerce, even service sectors, a website makes up a great deal of your business. Therefore, it is a safe assumption that you pay for hosting your website in some fashion. If you do not already have a dedicated server, perhaps you should revisit the decision for the best hosting options for your business.

Green hosting was scarce a few years ago, however, recently this type of web hosting has come into the limelight. There are a handful of companies who started off 100% green while others have gradually converted. Even some of the most widely known providers have made the switch to offer a more eco-friendly web hosting product. Many begin in the office by recycling waste paper and utilizing bio-fuel for heating purposes. This leads to the data centers where servers thrive off alternative sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Some have went out and purchased RECs (Renewable Energy Credits), a certification which assures the company is using alternatives forms of power.

There are some who question the performance and overall reliability you receive with a green hosting platform. In actuality, renewable energy is proven to be just as reliable and effective as conventional electricity. Green hosts are successfully running their businesses just as everyone else is. Like the traditional provider is equipped with electrical backup sources, these companies are prepared to produce renewable energy to keep the operation flourishing.

In today's competitive world reliable web hosting is very critical especially for the success of online businesses. You need to seek a web hosting company that can provide you with these critical components and much more.
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Cara Pasang Flash di Blog

Untuk memasang flash ke dalam blog cukuplah mudah. Yang kamu perlukan yaitu file flash yang biasanya ber-extensi .swf lalu upload file tersebut ke hosting. misal di ato 000webhost ato tempat hosting lainnya. File animasi flash tersebut bisa dijadikan hiasan pada blog ato bisa juga dijadikan hiasan di header sehingga membuat blog menjadi lebih animatif. Untuk memasang flash pada blog caranya sebagai berikut :

1. Login ke blogger kemudian pilih menu "Layout".
2. Kemudian klik link "Add a gadget" dimana akan ditempatkan animasi flash.
3. Pilih "HTML/Javascript" kemudian taruh script berikut :
<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="white" width="500" height="100" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed>

Contoh :

* Ganti "" dengan alamat file flash kamu yang telah ditaruh di hosting.
* Ganti width="500" height="100 dengan ukuran dari file flashmu.
Baca Selengkapnya......

Setting Domain di

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, bahwa adalah top level domain yang bisa kita dapatkan secara gratis. Kita bisa mengganti nama blog kita dari "" atau "http"//" (dll) menjadi "" . Dengan kita bisa mengontrol DNS Records, A, MX, dan CNAME records, sehinga domain bukan hanya sekedar "URL Forwarding".
Berikut ini akan saya coba mengungkapkan tentang cara setting domain di

Ada 3 tipe pengaturan di Ketiganya memiliki fungsi tersendiri. berikut ini penjelasanya:

1. Managed DNS
Ini biasanya digunakan untuk sebuah web yang memerlukan web hosting dan mengharuskan untuk mengarahkan Name Server-nya ke hosting tersebut. Misal untuk membuat web di 000webhost, atau bisa juga untuk blog wordpress yg menggunakan hosting dari luar. Metode ini tidak cocok digunakan untuk blogger/blogspot yang menggunakan hosting default dari blogger/blogspot.
Cara setting untuk metode ini yaitu dengan mengisi pada kolom "Name Server 1 dan Name Server 2 dengan name server yg sesuai dengan hosting yang digunakan. Misal, bagi yang menggunakan hosting dari 000webhost maka untuk kolom "Name Server 1" disi dengan "" dan kolom "Name Server 2" disi dengan "". Kemudian klik tombol "Setup". Selesai

2. Zone Records
Zone records cocok digunakan bagi para pengguna blogger/blogspot. berikut ini cara setting untuk Zone Records
  • Pada kolom "Host" isikan dengan nama domain yg sudah km daftarkan, misal "" (jangan lupa dikasih "www")
  • Untuk option "TTL" biarkan saja, gak perlu dirubah2
  • Pada option "Type" pilih yang "CNAME"
  • Untuk kolom "Value" isikan ""
  • Sehingga akan seperti pada gamabr dibawah ini:

Langkah selanjutnya yaitu merubah settingan di blogger/blogspot caranya begini:
  • Login ke blogger/blogspot kemudian masuk ke menu "Setting-->Publishing"
  • Kemudian pilih "Switch to: • Custom Domain
  • Setelah itu klik pada "Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings"
  • Kemudian isikan nama domain kamu yang baru pada kolom "Your Domain".
  • Selanjutnya klik tombol "Save Setting"

Selesai. Kalau berhasil (Settingnya sudah benar) maka domain kamu yang baru akan aktif dalam waktu antara beberapa jam sampai 2 hari. Jadi sabar aja menunggunya. Blog kamu akan tetap bisa diakses dengan melalui domain yang lama.

3. URL Forwarding
URL forwarding bisa digunakan untuk apa aja, bisa web ato blog. Tapi URL Forwarding ini hanya memforward domain yg baru (yang di ke domain lama. Jadi domain lama akan 100% seperti semula tanpa ada perubahan apapun, cuma kita bisa mengakses web/blog kita dengan mengetikkan nama domain baru kita di browser. Jika menggunakan URL Forwarding maka yang terindex di google atau Search engine yang lain adalah tetap Domain kita yang lama.
Untuk setting URL Forwarding sangat mudah, kita hanya mengisikan data-data yang diminta dan disesuaikan dengan web/blog kita, seperti "Redirect to:, Page Title, URL Hiding, Meta Description dan Meta Keywords". Kita tidak perlu lagi mensetting domain di web/blog kita lagi.
Note: Metode ini tidak dianjurkan jika tidak terpaksa

Jadi kesimpulannya adalah:
  • Jika kamu memakai layanan blogger/blogspot maka gunakanlah "Zone Records"
  • Jika domainnya digunakan untuk web yg memerlukan hosting atau untuk wordpress maka gunakanlah "Manage DNS"
  • Jangan menggunakan "URL forwarding" jika tidak terpaksa. Misal untuk untuk blog dari multiply yang tidak support custom domain.
Baca Selengkapnya......

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Popular Post Widget Dengan Animasi

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah. Sudah lama saya sebenarnya ingin jadi Guest Author di Blognya Kang Rohman, baru kali ini ada kesempatan dan diperbolehkan Kang Rohman. Widget kali ini adalah Popular Post Dengan Animasi. Widget sejenis ini sudah lama pernah saya bikin Popular post for blogger menggunakan Json Tetapi Sekarang Blogger telah membuat popular post dari Blogger Stats . Sekarang saya membuat Popular Post Untuk Blogger dengan animasi. Widget ini menggunakan trick saya sebelumnya Recent Post dengan Animasi Menggunakan "simple spy".